Older books

Older books

Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet

With Lierre Keith and Derrick Jensen.

This book inspired an organization, but that organization developed a serious transphobia problem, and you can read my comments on that.

For years, Derrick Jensen has asked his audiences, “Do you think this culture will undergo a voluntary transformation to a sane and sustainable way of life?” No one ever says yes.

Deep Green Resistance starts where the environmental movement leaves off: industrial civilization is incompatible with life. Technology can’t fix it, and shopping—no matter how green—won’t stop it. To save this planet, we need a serious resistance movement that can bring down the industrial economy. Deep Green Resistance evaluates strategic options for resistance, from nonviolence to guerrilla warfare, and the conditions required for those options to be successful. It provides an exploration of organizational structures, recruitment, security, and target selection for both aboveground and underground action. Deep Green Resistance also discusses a culture of resistance and the crucial support role that it can play.

Deep Green Resistance is a plan of action for anyone determined to fight for this planet—and win.

What We Leave Behind

With Derrick Jensen.

What We Leave Behind is a piercing, impassioned guide to living a truly responsible life on earth. Human waste, once considered a gift to the soil, has become toxic material that has broken the essential cycle of decay and regeneration. Here, award-winning author Derrick Jensen and activist Aric McBay weave historical analysis and devastatingly beautiful prose to remind us that life—human and nonhuman—will not go on unless we do everything we can to facilitate the most basic process on earth, the root of sustainability: one being’s waste must always become another being’s food.

The reviews:

You can read more at the Seven Stories Press website.

Reading What We Leave Behind makes me think of Thoreau, of Lewis Mumford, of Tolstoy, who asked us to rethink our most deeply embedded beliefs in order to live clean, modest, thoughtful lives, to return to that natural world we have forsaken. Jensen is that rare thinker who challenges all the accepted norms and habits of ‘civilization’ and asks us to get back to our naked selves.
-Howard Zinn

This is a fierce book. . . . Its basic premise—that we’re in worse trouble than we understand, and that a little change around the edges won’t help—is precisely the message that needs to get out.
-Bill McKibben, author of Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future and The End of Nature

A tour de force of beautifully written storytelling about what is required to stop killing the planet. . . . A rare book that provides answers.
-Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz, author of Outlaw Woman and Red Dirt

… An in-depth analysis of waste and wastefulness… Some may bridle at Jensen and McBay’s bluntness, urgency, and bold vision, but their demand for the end of wishful thinking and beginning of environmental transformation is rooted in meticulously constructed arguments, striking psychological insights, and profound love of life.
– Donna Seaman

E Magazine
What We Leave Behind is the kind of direct, unflinching, personal writing that you’d expect from a memoir about a harrowing childhood, not one about the state of the planet, or what happens to waste… The directness of the storytelling and of the horrific vision [Jensen and McBay] lay out is both depressing, and oddly, comforting.
– Brita Belli

ForeWord Magazine
What We Leave Behind is not light reading. But a reader willing to stay on this circuitous journey to the end will be rewarded.
– Karl Kunkel

Publishers Weekly
… Jensen and McBay’s message that we need to grow up and “put away the childish notion that we have the right to take whatever we want from nonhumans” is eminently reasonable.

Library Journal
This compelling book has a refreshing style, at once very personal and very passionate.

Peak Oil Survival

This is the published, rewritten version of Tools for Gridcrash.There’s an expanded introduction with more information about Peak Oil and related issues for the unintroduced. The explanations and instructions have been expanded with more detail added. And there’s an extra general checklist at the back.

“Aric McBay is an extraordinary writer, thinker, and activist whose work is absolutely indispensible to the real work we all face of dismantling civilization and defending the places we love. ”
Derrick Jensen, Author of A Language Older than Words and The Culture of Make Believe

Tools for Gridcrash is a solid, down-to-earth manual for human survival couched in a solid, down-to-earth analysis of why such means will be required. Get your hands on this volume before you can’t access it via computer anymore.”
Chellis Glendinning, author of My Name Is Chellis and I’m in Recovery from Western Civilization, Off the Map, and Chiva: A Village Takes on the Global Heroin Trade

“The In the Wake Project is a tiny effort in the present scheme of things, but when we begin speaking of industrial civilization in the past tense (as we will all too soon), efforts like this will serve as lifeboats for the survivors. Generally speaking, it’s better to build a lifeboat before the ship starts to list precariously, rather than wait for universal acknowledgment that it is in fact sinking.”
Richard Heinberg, author of The Party’s Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies, and Powerdown: Options and Actions for a Post-Carbon World